December 2007
December’s workshop looked at
the many different ways of lifting mood during the dark time of the year.
The role of digestion, especially bitters, in supporting and nourishing both
body and mind was discussed, as was the importance of sunlight or artificial
light when dealing with Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD). David Winston’s
treatment of combining lemon balm and St John’s Wort tinctures for SAD was
tasted, as were tinctures of skullcap, vervain, lavender and motherwort.
We made a grapefruit bitter to aid digestion and put together a lavender
pillow, kindly supplied by Debs Cook. There were also several teas of lemon
balm and limeflower to taste.
The interesting thing about the workshop was that everyone who came was
having trouble sleeping. After a morning of tasting herbal teas and
tinctures, they all went home and slept soundly! |