Diary - 11/07
Diary - November 2007
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November 2007

November saw the first Solihull workshop held in the kitchen. Six eager participants came to learn more about dealing with the usual plagues of winter – coughs, colds, sore throats and influenza.

We made a double infused mullein oil which people took away with them to use for earaches. Using St John’s wort oil for earaches was also discussed. The Elderberry Elixir made at the Sanctuary in October based on Kiva Rose’s recipe was decanted and tasted, as was some elderberry and Echinacea syrup and some elderberry tincture. Most people agreed they were looking forward to being ill if they had something so tasty to take as medicine!

We tried two versions of the classic “cold” tea, one with peppermint, yarrow and elderflower and the other where New England Aster was substituted for the peppermint. It was really interesting how honey changed the nature of the tea in a very different way from ordinary sugar, making it much more palatable for those who weren’t used to herb tea.

Two other teas with lemon juice and honey were tried – ginger for coughs and chills and thyme and sage for sore throats and chest problems. We also tried sage vinegar and honey for sore throats.

It was a very busy workshop, but gave everyone an opportunity to make and try many different things to help them cope with common winter ailments.


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