March 2007
first herb workshop took place on March 24. We made some patchouli oil from
the rampant plant threatening to take over the lounge at home and looked at
what was coming up in the herb beds. Echinaca, comfrey, vervain, nettles,
valerian, st john’s wort, masterwort, lemon balm, agrimony, wood betony,
motherwort, goats rue, woad, wall germander, heliotrope, mullein rosettes
and yarrow were all in evidence. The elder tree was in full leaf as well.
It’s always the first tree out. The daffodils, primroses and violets were
still in full bloom.
We made
some nettle and lemon balm simples. It was decided the nettle actually
tasted the better of the two! We also put up some nettle vinegar and this
was taken home by one of the participants. |