January 2008

Ginger used to make a syrup (left), a tea (in the cup and the caffetiere), and some ginger root

The winter salve made from beeswax (bottom), St John's wort oil, marshmallow oil, and calendula oil (in
the large jars surrounding the small salve jars) |
January’s workshop concentrated on surviving the cold using herbs and
spices. Different varieties of cinnamon bark, green and black cardomon
seeds, nutmeg, root ginger and turmeric were considered and different ways
of using them were tried out.
Ginger was one of our main allies during the workshop. We made ginger syrup
and ginger tea which also turned into a foot and hand soak with amazing
Before the workshop, no-one would have thought of combining pineapple and
turmeric powder, but both have anti-inflammatory properties and the turmeric
reduced the level of acidity in the pineapple.
We cooked a cinnamon, orange peel, lime flower and flax seed tea which
tasted both soothing and nourishing at the same time. We also made a hot
rice pudding with cardamom and nutmeg.
We then finished off by making a winter salve by
grating local beeswax into a combination of St John’s wort, marshmallow and
calendula oil.